It has been an amazingly busy couple of weeks. For those of you who don't know, Matt's Taid (grandfather in Welsh, passed away two weeks ago. Tommy Jones was a pretty amazing man and will be well-remembered by everyone who knew him. While it was not completely unexpected, everything seemed to happen so fast and it was kind of hard to catch your breath.
While I am so grateful Matt and his sister were able to get to Wales on short notice to spend time with their family and attend the funeral services, being without Matt this late in the pregnancy and with temper-tantrum queen Morgan, was quite a challenge. Matt and I cannot possibly even begin to describe how lucky we are with our families. While Matt was away, I was able to stay with my parents and my cousin, Adam, watched Morgan during the day while I worked. Seriously, Adam has the patient of a saint and Morgan LOVED being with him. Still, even with all of the help, it felt really good to get home and even better to have Matt get home.
While we were at my parents house, we worked on a couple of new words with Morgan. My mom has been trying to get Morgan to say anything that even remotely resembles to word "grandma." While we may have heard "gamm" once or twice, Morgan definitely got "Papa" down pat!
Now that life is beginning to return to normal, we are in the final countdown for Amelia Rachel's arrival. The c-section is scheduled for 9am on Tuesday, April 17th. That is exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow and I could not be more ready to be done with pregnancy!
Not the most flattering picture, but above is a pic of me with Amelia at 32.5 weeks. I feel like I am the same size with Amelia at 35 weeks that I was with Morgan at 40 weeks, but honestly I don't have the best memory of my belly size. One thing I do remember with Morgan is massive amounts of swelling and water retention that occurred in the last month or two of pregnancy. I am sad to report it is the same with Amelia. Below is a picture of my elephant feet.
There are times when I honestly believe my ankles are bigger than my calfs. I try to keep my feet up, but honestly, that just makes me feel like a beached whale! I am just going to keep reminding myself it's only 4 more weeks!
Speaking of 4 more weeks, we only have 4 more weeks to finish up Amelia's nursery. With Matt's improptu trip to Wales this past week, we are not quite as far as we had hoped on the painting, trim, and baseboards in Amelia's room. Matt is hoping to finish up a lot of it this week when he is off on Thursday, but I'm not putting a lot of faith in that date. My sister said she may try to come down one weekend to help me sort through the baby clothes. I haven't even brought out the boxes of newborn to 3 month clothing, so we are woefully unprepared! Here's hoping the next week brings about more productivity!