Friday, October 28, 2011

Apples, Corn, and Reindeers?

It has been a VERY LONG time since I last posted, but I don't want to forget to keep this up.  I am even more determined now to keep it going so that I can start sharing all of my craft and sewing projects.  My sister said I am becoming Martha Stewart and asked if this was part of pregnancy.  It's always been my mother's dream to become Marth Stewart, so I guess the craziness runs in the family!

Before I get into the fun fall activities we have done, I will provide an update on our little family for any of those individuals who are not aware.  Morgan turned 1 on October 18 and we celebrated her first year of life with a wild and crazy Michael Jackson party!  This might be where the DIY bug bit me.  I made the invitations for her birthday since I couldn't find exactly what I wanted and anything else was just too expensive.  The invites turned out awesome and it spurred me to keep going.  I also made the tutu you see Morgan wearing in the picture below.  It's REALLY fluffy, but I think it turned out pretty well. 

In addition to now having a 1-year old in our house, we have another little baby on the way!  Baby Siuta #2 is due April 23rd, 2012.  Since I had a c-section with Morgan, I will be having a scheduled c-section with this baby, so as the due date gets close I will have a much more final date of arrival.  Anyone who knows me, understands or at least acknowledges how much I LOVE to plan, so being able to plan out all of the details for baby #2's birth including the date is pretty much a dream come true.  Don't get me wrong, I would much rather have had a vaginal delivery with Morgan and be aiming for that with baby #2, but if I can't get what I want I WILL find the silver lining!
We are scheduled to find out the sex of the baby on Saturday, November 26th at 10am.  This is only 4 weeks and one day away (not that I'm counting) and I am soooo excited!  I cannot wait to see if we are going to have another gorgeous girl that I can dress up to match her big sister or if we will fulfill Matt's dream of sharing his sports obsession with his own son.  I also can't wait to really be able to concentrate on decorating a new nursery!

One last piece of news before I get into the activities of fall.  When I last posted, we had found out that Matt would be working for Walgreens in Central Illinois.  At the beginning of June, we sold our house in Maryland and on July 1st, we bought a house in Mahomet, IL (15 minutes outside of Champaign).  We definitely did not think we would be buying a house, but after looking at the places to rent that were available we realized that we would be better off just putting our money into a place we loved and that could grow with us (good planning)!  The cost of living in central Illinois is MUCH less than the suburbs of DC in Maryland, so we were able to afford a great size house that allows us to grow our family, me to work from home, and entertain to our (ok, my) heart's content!  As of right now, it looks like we will be hosting our first family holiday this Christmas!

Now that I have shared all of our Little Siuta Family updates, I am ready to start talking about our fun fall actitivies!  I LOVE the last 3-4 months of the year!  I love the weather, the activities, the clothes, and the holidays!  My goal is to make sure that my children love this time of year as much as I do, so I like to plan activities celebrating the season.  Our first fall activity was a trip to Curtis Apple Orchard.  This is a really great, family run, and kid-friendly orchard which is located a convenient 15-20 minutes from us.

Above is a picture of Morgan that I would love to duplicate every year.  It would be a great way to watch her grow through the years!  The below picture is my favorite picture and was taken by a friend of ours, who obviously has a much better camera and picture taking skill level.
I tried to plan a trip to the Great Pumpkin Patch in mid-October with some friends, but plans fell through due to a death in the family.  The Great Pumpkin Patch is about an hour away and we really haven't found the time to go since then, so this past weekend we headed to Hardy's Reindeer Ranch in Rantoul (about 15-20 minutes away).  I wasn't sure how this would go since I figured this place would be better for the Thanksgiving/Christmas season, but we had a ton of fun.  The first stop at Hardy's Reindeer Ranch was to see the reindeer!  We got to see them pretty close up and Morgan was absolutely amazed.  She loves being close to animals and it's always fun to see her reaction.  Below are some of my favorite pics of her with or looking at the reindeer.

After the reindeer, we headed over to the corn maze.  I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I definitely think it would be as hard or as much fun as it was!  There were 8 monster points throughout the maze that you were encouraged to find.  Each monster point had a different hold punch so that you could mark on your ticket what monsters you were able to find.  If it weren't for Matt, we definitely would have only found 3 or 4, but Matt kept pushing to find them all and we were able to find all 8.  Below is a picture of Morgan and Matt as we started out in the maze.  We definitey didn't look this happy/excited at the end.

Morgan and I are heading to a Kid's Halloween party at the mall tonight and then Halloween is on Monday.  Hopefully I will have lots more pictures to post next week!  

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